+44 (1227) 250254
T: 01227 751673
M: 07841 260500
Opening Times:
Mon – Fri 7.30am – 6pm
Saturday 8am – 1pm

How self-storage can offer a smooth move for students

student storage in canterburyIf you are a student in Kent (especially the Canterbury, Faversham and Whitstable areas) then Need A Space self-storage could solve a lot of problems for you.  With the intrinsic seasonal nature of student life and the inevitable requirement to pack up all your stuff at the end of the year, you are likely to have to pack up your belongings – only to have to take them all back again for your next term.


You could leave stuff at your temporary address but is this really a safe option? Can you really take that risk of hoping your valuables are going to be there when you get back?


Precious learning materials and recreational possessions


Your belongings are precious and it is sometimes awe-inspiring how much a student can accumulate over a year – or even a short period of a term. Being in a place of learning you will no doubt have loads of text books and course materials to hang onto. That’s before you even start thinking about all the new clothes you bought, house utensils, white goods and recreational paraphernalia such as CD’s DVD’s and vinyl (yes vinyl is coming back apparently!)


Is there still space at home?


To add to the problem you have got your home environment to think about. You have been away sometime and your parents may not welcome you bringing everything but the kitchen sink back into the house. There may not even be the room.


Transport can be a problem


There is also the problems of transporting what you have back home.  Students tend to live quite a distance from their birth home while at College or University – so there is an extra cost here. The logistics of it all could be quite stressful too.  If you have your own car you are lucky but can you pack it all in? If you are getting a train you almost seem to be beaten at the first hurdle.


Self-storage in Canterbury could be the solution


Need A Space is a self-storage facility based in Canterbury which offers secure storage for students.  You can use our Space estimator so you can get a clear idea as to how much space you will need. Let’s start as we mean to go on by saving money! We can help with transport by providing free van hire and you will be welcomed by our friendly staff. CCTV and high security infra-red beams makes sure that your valuables are absolutely safe. We can provide packaging tools and to help cut costs further, groups of students can easily store their valuables in one place together.


To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help students in the Canterbury area click here









How secure mailboxes can offer business efficiency and peace of mind

secure mailbox canterburyA secure mailbox is essential for peace of mind. With reports of deliveries that never arrive and precious packages which are tampered with or stolen, it makes us think twice about sending our valuable documents and parcels through the post. Businesses especially need to be sure that they can communicate internally between various locations and with their clients.


At Need A Space in Canterbury we provide a service for both residential customers and businesses with our secure mailboxes. As a storage company offering storage space to individuals moving we can offer services to anyone nationally and globally. Locally we can assist businesses throughout Canterbury, Faversham and Whitstable.


A secondary address


With the onset of the recession and the rise in property rents business now often share the same premises. This can cause confusion and chaos when mail is being delivered. A great solution for this is a secure mailbox at a secondary address. If we are within your location we can offer absolute security where you no longer have to wonder whether mil was delivered or not.


A safer address


There is no getting away from the fact that there are some regions in the UK which are more vulnerable than others. High risk areas would be those urban locations which have high crime rates and identity theft. By creating a secure mailbox closeby to your home or business you can re-gin your peace of mind.


Filter different department’s mail


As your business grows you may well find you have mail that needs to be posted to various groups of people. We can set up one or two secure mailboxes for you relative to the different departments so that your mail is automatically filtered – saving time nd money.


Valuable packages


For extra safety it is always useful to set up a secure mailbox and address where you know delivery is more or less guaranteed.


To learn more about our secure mailbox services covering

Faversham, Whitstable and Canterbury click here



Our top tips for safe efficient packing!

self-storage faversham

At Need A Space we like to believe that our storage facilities are the best quality and the cheapest you are going to find around Kent. We offer services to cover all elements of the self-storage cycle from Van Hire, maximum security, use of fork lift trucks, unloading bays and flexibility around the size of your storage units. But even we have to accept that if our customers do not pack their valuables well, accidents may happen.

Our success has been built on offering optimum customer care. That is why we want to make sure your self-storage experience is one that will give you peace of mind and one that you will wish to repeat in the future. With that in mind here are our top tips for safe packing in self-storage:

A box is more than just a box

Cardboard boxes have had a bit of a bad press, but as with everything, if you buy cheap expect to get what you pay for. Don’t forget the box not only needs to hold your valuables it needs to be able to withstand transit and other boxes or objects being placed upon it. Take a look at our online box supplies

Secure those flaps

Many boxes are designed to have interlocking flaps but this is not secure on its own and can make the box weak when moved from place to place. Always use strong quality tape to stick down open ends of the box (and the bottom)

Don’t have a smashing time!

 With breakables such as glass, porcelain and crockery it is a good idea to bed the bottom of the box first of all with scrunched up paper. Cover this layer with a layer of paper and start packing your heaviest items by wrapping them well in newspaper. Between each layer of articles place a layer of scrunched up paper. At the top should be your smaller lighter items.

Name that box!

Don’t forget you need to know where everything is for easy access at any time within your self-storage unit, so label each box. Try and ensure contents of each box have some relevance to each other for easy labelling.

Get the right filler

 You need filler within the boxes to prevent your valuables colliding with each other in transit and to prevent the box crushing easily. Use filler such as bubble wrap to take up that extra space. Remember only to use proper filler material as it could get into the workings of appliances.

Less is more

 It is better to have less in your box and use more boxes as you will need to be able to move the boxes around easily without strain.

Think digital safety

Protect monitors, screens, scanner glass and other fragile parts with cardboard or pieces of bubble wrap or foam and tape. Mark glass parts as fragile to avoid leaning heavy objects against them.

For more Packaging tips from Need A Space click here

To check out our packaging products click here

To learn more about our Self – storage services in Faversham, Whitstable and Canterbuty click here

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