+44 (1227) 250254
T: 01227 751673
M: 07841 260500
Opening Times:
Mon – Fri 7.30am – 6pm
Saturday 8am – 1pm

How students can streamline transient lifestyles and take care of valuables in Kent

self-storage students Kent

Half-term came just a little bit too early for students in Kent this year it would seem. With the weather in the UK just about as unpredictable as ever, we have been volleyed backwards and forwards between cold weather and …well…even colder weather. In fact, the last week has been reported to have seen temperatures as low as -10 degrees centigrade. Ouch. A little bit too cool.

To add insult to injury, we are now promised that the next week, when colleges, universities and schools re-open, that temperatures are going to the opposite extreme and reach highs that are normally only experienced in the Mediterranean.

Warm down south…

We expect the weather to be slightly warmer down here in wonderful rustic Kentish places such as Canterbury, Faversham and Herne Bay and the like but for students who have to prepare themselves for a pretty transient life anyway most of the time, things can get a bit frustrating.

My student days are a haze now as I look back. I probably enjoyed myself too much and learned too little. But it was slightly different back then in the sixties (I am at the age now when forgetfulness goes with the territory). You didn’t tend to travel so much (because communications were not so good) and you didn’t have so many valuables – these were the days the summer of love (pretty flowers are all we need!) and long before the times of ultra-disposable possessions and gadgets.

So, for the student in the 21st century who wants to take advantage of the wonderful stuff around them, travel while they have the chance, visit their home of origin during half-term and generally enjoy the life of an intellectual tumbleweed, you need a great deal of foresight and need to do a good deal of planning beforehand.

Self-storage in Kent to the rescue

Self-storage is one of those services which has risen up over the last 10 years and makes the problem of keeping your valuables safe while travelling from place to place an absolute doddle.

Need A Space is a self-storage facility based in Canterbury which offers storage for students. Now you can leave your valuables in a secure place at highly competitive prices while you are away from college and visiting the family or tripping the high seas. CCTV and high security infra-red beams makes sure that your valuables are absolutely safe.

We can help with transport by providing free van hire and you will be welcomed by our friendly staff. We can provide packaging tools and to help cut costs further, groups of students can easily store their valuables in one place together.

To learn more contact us on 01227 751673. We look forward to hearing from you!

How Need A Space beats all self-storage competition in Kent!

self-storage faversham

  • The cheapest self-storage prices in Kent

Our guarantee says we cannot be beaten on price! There is no need for a deposit and no hidden costs. Our experience in the storage industry has told us that it is likely you will need to either increase or decrease the amount of space you have available in your storage unit. At Need a Space, unlike many of our competitors, we offer total flexibility – you can change storage unit size when you like at no penalty.

  • Great location in Kent for major enterprise and SME

Based in the heart of Kent, and situated on the outskirts of Faversham and Canterbury, Need A Space is conveniently located for both local county and South London clients

  • Free packing materials 

When you use Need A Space for the first time, you can take up the offer of a free box of essential packaging materials to suit your requirements. 

  • Packing materials when you need them 

Often find you need those extra few boxes, strong tape or bubble-wrap? No worries, we have loads of supplies at Need A Space. We have found from many years’ experience that where our clients have accessories on tap they do not waste precious time and money.

  • Free use of Tail lift van 

When you sign up for 2 months’ self-storage you will get free use of our tail-lift van.

  • Vans for hire 

Need a van for your removals? We provide van hire at highly competitive prices!

  • 6th month for a penny!

We love it when our clients decide to stay with us long -term as we can get to know you and your real needs. Clearly this also means less administration for us and we would like to repay that to our loyal customers.

Removal services at affordable rates

Moving house and don’t want to be dealing with the complications of working with different companies? At Need A Space we offer a removal service at very reasonable prices.

  • Mailbox rental

To complement our self-storage facilities, Need A Space offers secure Mailbox Services. You can now have your mail re-directed to a secondary mailing address to give you peace of mind for all your home and business postal communications.

  • Friendly staff to make moving easy

Our trained friendly staff are always on hand to offer assistance on site when needed. You will find a selection of packaging materials and tools on-site as well as the use of loading bays, free van hire (terms apply) and an assisted fork lift truck service to make that move, whether long-term or short term, as quick and easy as possible.

  • Unbeatable security for your valuables

From CCTV and high security infrared beams to state of the art alarm systems and perimeter fencing you can be sure your precious valuables will be safe with us!

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here






The most obvious way to cut costs in 2017 as major changes suggest a rocky ride

self-storage canterbury and faversham

Hopefully 2017 will bring new hope, new financial stability and greater profits as we look towards the future. However, when you look at the combined forces of global recession, the unpredictable path of Brexit and the mad and often offensive rantings of Donald Trump, you can’t help but feel that we all need to be cautious for the moment.

This is sad and depressing if not a little frightening. All businesses need to grow to thrive, to invest in its perceived strengths and reach out to its target market. But while global economies still appear to be in limbo we still have to check international growth due to uncertainties abroad and at home.

Looking to those familiar costs

Now, more than any other time, it is a time to look at ways to cut costs and out-goings. Keeping a closer eye on costs (especially those costs you don’t really question anymore – they have been a regular outlay for so long, you don’t even question them), allows you to prepare for that fall the politicians of fear have been warning us about for so long and also to make tentative steps in moving your company forward.

There are so many ways you can re-visit those daily costs and it often is about thinking twice about the out-goings which have become so familiar. Are these costs still necessary? Can you obtain them at reduced cost from new competition on the market? Can you negotiate new fees with your current providers? Can processes be streamlined to reduce current costs?

You will no doubt be looking at your teams as well as your assets and your daily processes and activities. But among all of that there is something that many business managers miss. And if they paid more attention to it they could find they could save themselves a whole lot of money.

You probably know already that we are talking about – Space.

Yes space.

It is one asset all businesses misuse. If used more appropriately they could save their company’s a great deal in annual costs. Take a look around at your offices and factories now? Which offices are not being used? Which areas are you paying for which do not service your profits? How can you streamline processes (i.e. diarise meeting rooms; monitor cancelled usage etc.) to ensure it is used to its maximum.

And is there space out there you are not using which causes greater outlay or stunts processes? For instance, what commodities do you have that are preventing space from being used effectively? Those huge cabinets of archived data – how can they be handled in a more effective way? Can you store commodities you need temporarily or seasonally in order to acquire more space? Freeing up space can prevent putting out money on assets you in fact already have, and streamlining processes at no cost at all.

At Need A Space in Canterbury Kent we want to give you space so you can save time, and money!

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here




Is your business going to waste?

self storage faveraham

In our last article, we talked about how important it is to take advantage of “space” in your business. Often that space whether physical or temporal is largely invisible and needs a focussed project to detail, quantify and streamline those hidden gaps. In the same way, business waste is an outcome of production which if not dealt with efficiently can lead to higher outgoings, reduced profits and processes which present a smaller overall margin than is in fact present.

Waste often gets short shrift. It isn’t the most topical of subjects if you are intent on increasing profits in the future. Because of that, processes which are put in place are often sloppy and ill-thought out. For many it just needs to be dealt with, so no research is facilitated into enhancing systems. For instance, a skip can be very expensive when rented just for one day. Is management aware of how it is being used? Is it being rented for too long? Are cheaper companies available? Who is policing what is considered waste?

That last point is highly important – especially in these days of sustainability and recycling. But this is not just about joining the green brigade. Clearly, by monitoring the commodities a business is putting to waste, it can save by recycling as well as helping the environment.

Create a waste champion

The first stage for change is to create an on-going audit focussed on waste across your whole company. Create a role for an individual or group who will work to take the project further. Identify and quantify waste – how does it arise – how is it categorised and what are the costs involved in moving it on. Does management have green systems in place? What legalities do you have to keep to?

Use the waste hierarchy to streamline your approach:

Eliminate: Avoid producing waste in the first place.

Reduce: Minimise the amount of waste you do produce.

Re-use: Use items as many times as possible.

Recycle: Recycle what you can only after you have re-used it.

Dispose: Dispose of what’s left in your bin.


After data is in and systems have been analysed, consider an action plan for making changes. Ensure senior management is involved and is committed to proposed actions. After making changes monitor how new systems are affecting processes, costs and profits so this can be fed back to management.

Above all there needs to be continuous improvement so there should be constant monitoring and review. For this purpose, employees need to be made aware of any changes in systems and brought on board and management needs to see successful outcomes.

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here




Is wasted space draining your business of money?


self storage canterbury

Most businesses define their success by their assets. But at the same time, many a good company goes down because it does not handle “the space it has” appropriately. This may sound confusing, but the fact is that space – whether physical or virtual – is essential for effective business processes. Because it is largely invisible, too often the effect it has on overall process is not taken seriously enough.

If you tended to measure space in minutes and seconds and metres and centimetres as you should do, then it will soon become apparent how its overabundance can allow businesses to grow more easily, or how its scarcity can lead to risk. But it gets taken for granted. It is often only measured or taken stock of, when it is scarce or there is real room for growth.

This type of mindset prevents the astute manager from living in the moment and taking advantage of growth ideas at the right time and preventing clogs in the system.

Booking expensive external venues

You know when something is going wrong when your staff are booking expensive external venues for activities which are part of day to day processes instead of using internal resources. But maybe there is a reason for that. When space is mismanaged, that useful space goes unnoticed. This could be due to clutter of equipment, or documents that should be archived. It could be due to a bad scheduling system where cancelled meetings do not show up on staff diaries. Whatever it is, monitor how your real resources are being used and where possible, ensure real resources they do not just become static storage rooms.

Take advantage of the digital world

Making more use of the digital world is a great way to take advantage of old space. Staff may find they do not have to come to the office at all but can access documents from home, communicate with colleagues through video conferencing and get rid of all that cumbersome hard copy by putting it in the cloud.

Space utilisation policies

These kinds of mandates straight away bring the amount of space everyone is having to play with into focus. Procedures can be set around scheduling the use of meeting rooms, interview rooms and any room that may be used for training, or quiet work rooms. Once it is a policy it cannot be ignored.

The use of sensors

Do you know at any given time how your buildings are being used? How many staff do you have in at any one time? When is the busiest time? Is there a time when resources are under used? With this kind of information, you can re-channel when your staff is using resources and plan for flexibility in the future.

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here





Getting your house ready for sale

sellingyourhomeSo, the time has come. You have finally decided to make that giant leap. The adventure of moving house has been an exciting idea for some time, but you may have held off because you are well-aware of the complexities, hassle and financial implications involved. Where then do you start? How do you make sure as far as possible that you are going down the most cost effective and easy route to your new home?

Check out the house infrastructure and make fixes

The first thing to do is take a long hard look at the house before you get down to the house sale. Before it is valued you need to bring it up to speed. You are going to have to be really honest with yourself and analyse each nook and cranny with an independent eye. If you know a friendly builder or someone in the trade, ask them to do a tour with you to pinpoint where the weak points are. It is going to be the fundamental structure of the house and overall facilities which are going to affect final value. Any tweaks or fixes need to be done before you go to the next stage.

Decide how you will market your home

Selling your one home under your own steam is becoming more and more popular. There are more and more websites popping up on the internet where you can market your house online at minimal commission. (ie. Property Rescue or Housesimple ). However, moving home is going to be one of the biggest changes you make in your life and some people will prefer the security of working with a professional estate agent even though it will cost somewhat more.

De-clutter house contents

After looking at the infrastructure of your home, you need to concentrate on the house contents. You need to reduce the possessions you will be taking with you to the absolute necessary. De-cluttering can be fun, therapeutic and empowering so don’t hold off. But don’t be too ruthless – don’t forget self-storage facilities in the area you are moving to will allow you to hold on to valuables until you are well and truly settled.

Make each show visit perfect

When showing your home, it is attention to detail that will lead to the sale. Remember to have it spick and span for when your visitors arrive. This means keeping rooms de-cluttered and looking like “home” and gardens well-trimmed and mown. Make the home look cared for and fresh with the aid of flowers and fresh fruit, make sure everything smells good and clean. A few home cookies to help your visitors feel at home will add to the ambience.

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here





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