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Opening Times:
Mon – Fri 7.30am – 6pm
Saturday 8am – 1pm

Getting rid of office clutter by Need A Space self-storage

self-storage FavershamI don’t look forward to facing my desk on a Friday morning. The first thing I will see is the in-box which has gradually expanded to overload over the past week, while the outbox slowly spreads itself menacingly over available space. If I am honest with myself, there is probably a few months of stuff hiding at the bottom of the pile which has gone from urgent to useless because it hasn’t been touched.

As much as this is about work overload on my part, it is also about how, even in a world where we should be keeping a keen eye on our uses of paper for the sake of sustainability issues, our processes and systems still seemed to get clogged up with read or unread material.

Online vs paper copy

Now, we are blessed with the internet and online communications, the need to put all documentation on paper is greatly reduced. If you receive an attachment by email, you can read it online. If you need to keep it for corporate reasons then it can also be stored on your computer or in the cloud.

However, we are still troubled with masses of paper on our desks. Some of it is meant to be owned in the form of a package. This would apply to information about a company perhaps, training manuals, or reports. It may be information that needs to be taken to and read at, up- and-coming conferences. It may be promotional materials which are better viewed physically than on the web.

The outbox is more important than you think

Some of it you need to keep and some of it could do with shredding. But as my outbox often signifies (all the documents will need to be filtered as to where they go next), that part of the process, because it is low on the must do list, often gets left and never happens.

Perhaps it’s the outbox that is the problem? In a sense, the outbox has no urgency, and sometimes it seems like the stuff within it does not really have anywhere to go. We need it because it just gives us a warm feeling of all the work we have done!

self-storage faversham

Bin the outbox!

Let’s get rid of the outbox. When we deal with documents from the inbox we should send them on their way there and then. Either they are going to filing or they are going to shredding. Simple. A cleaner desk – streamlined processes. 

So, then we come to the filing. Even though we have now reached the stage where you can sign documents online they are not officially accepted in most circles as official, legal documents. Also, there always will be documents which need to be kept in paper form such as Tax documents, financial documents, contracts, client files, certificates and legal documents.

Filing, archive and office storage space

So when documents are needed to be kept for many years, we come to archive. Both these factors – filing and archive – can have a massive impact on office space. We are obviously not just referring to your out-box here. We are talking about losing whole rooms to filing and archive. Clearly the work space you have in your company is one of your company’s greatest assets and it could be going to waste as we speak.

At Need A Space self-storage, we offer secure units where you can save your business archive at highly competitive rates. Based near Canterbury we service areas such as Faversham, Herne Bay and Sittingbourne. We also have companies from London using our storage sapce as they find storing outside of London is great deal cheaper. To find out more about what we offer click here







Top six security questions to ensure your valuables are safe in self-storage


  1. Can I trust this self-storage company?

self-storage securityThis depends of course on how well you know them and how you first heard about them. If they were recommended to you by a friend, that is probably one of the best introductions you will get. But not everyone is that lucky. More often we have to troll the search engines or local newspapers. However, defining points to look out for are:

  • Does the company have any testimonials on their website?
  • Do they appear to have a thriving Facebook page with positive comments?
  • Have they been approved by companies such as “Checkatrade”? If they have been approved, as we have, the logo will be on their website.
  • Do they offer guarantees to help you feel safe?
  1. What is the company’s attitude to privacy and security?

Privacy and confidentiality is just as important as security so you need to know from the outset just how the company intends to ensure your valuables are safe and your personal data cannot be accessed. Here at Need A Space, we take security and privacy very seriously. As well as a CCTV surveillance security system operating inside and out 24/7, we have  installed high security infra-red beams as an extra layer of safety.

  1. Who has access to my storage units?

You should be the only one who has direct access to your storage units. This is for the utmost privacy and security. There will be only one key which you will hold yourself.

  1. Security is good but is my self-storage unit still accessible?

Security is great but you also need to know you can access your valuables at the most common times of the day. Here at Need A Space we are open from 8am until 6pm Monday to Friday and on Saturdays we are open from 8am to 1pm.

  1. Are my valuables safe from damage?

As well as burglar alarms and cutting-edge perimeter fencing to stop unwanted thieves getting in, we also have a fire security system to ensure the chances of your valuables being damaged by fire are at the very minimum.

  1. Do you provide secure mail boxes?

Yes. For those people who live in areas where the security of their post is not as safe as perhaps it should be you can rent one of our mail boxes here at Need A Space to put your mind at rest.

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here






How self-storage can boost your business

self-storage KentAt Need A Space we like to think we are providing storage not just for domestic users but for Kent and London businesses as well. We know from customers feedback that offering our self-storage service has a knock-on effect in their organizational processes. It’s not just about finding that extra bit of space at competitive rates. This is about streamlining internal processes in order to innovate systems in the work place – saving money, time and creating new opportunities.

How does this happen?

An invisible evil

For many businesses, space can be an invisible evil that insidiously drains money available time and money – and if not properly attended to, it can waste physical assets and processes. For instance, a room that is full of archived material could be used as an extra meeting room or an extension which streamlines in-house systems.  When a room is left idle because systems are not picking up on how that room is being used, it is money flying out of the window.

London based

Here in Kent we can offer London firms an extra facility. Self-storage in our capital city is going to be expensive. Based in Canterbury, and close to London we can offer organisations a big reduction in cost when storing business valuables and commodities and easy access.


Companies which have a seasonal element to their work often store commodities, tools and paraphernalia at own depots or offices. This can often create a great strain on useable assets. Space used to store could perhaps be used in a better way for current processes and seasonal activities. A self-storage facility enables management to re-direct some of those overflow materials to a place where they can be held and accessed easily when the time is right.


Everyday salespeople often have to transport a great deal of presentation materials when they are on the road. There will often be a need to chop and change what they are transporting in relation to the pitch they are making and space available. They may also be visiting different catchment areas. Self-storage allows equipment to be kept in different catchment areas and easy access to specific materials at the beginning of the day.

Internet companies

E commerce is so big now, but even though everything happens online there is clearly a need for storage for stock outside of everyday processes. Need A Space offers great storage facilities to help you keep control of that overflow stock.

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here






Powering your spring clean with self-storage

self-storage kent

Here we go! Spring has sprung, Easter is just around the corner, and we are all coming, hermit-like out of our winter recesses. We are already enjoying the fabulous weather, watching the snowdrops daffodils and tulips brighten our gardens and its almost as if we are filled with a new energy to get outside and explore the world.

But hold on… just before you go…

As much as this is an invigorating time of the year, it is also a time to clear up that unwieldly mess we have been living in through the bleak months of the cold season. Spring cleaning time. And the sooner we can get it finished – the better.

Let’s have a look at a few tips – but even better than that, let’s look at ways to make spring cleaning easier the next time it rears its ugly head on the calendar.

Extra shelves

How often have we said we need extra shelves for all those clothes that end up on the floor? Or because we haven’t got the shelves, it is so difficult to find the clothes we need – then everything just ends up in chaos. Create space by dividing your shelves with dividers. Then you can really start storing your clothes methodically – easy to get to – easy to put away.

Stop storing the stuff you will not need

We all have a touch of the hoarder in us. Unfortunately, this means tidying and storage can be a real nightmare when there is not the space at home. This is a time for real honesty. Is it something you will use again? Ask yourself why you are holding on to a commodity? This does not necessarily mean the rubbish bin calls. Boot sales can be fun (and you can make a bit of money), sell it online or you can give useful stuff to charity.

Finding extra space

None of us have infinite space. However, self-storage facilities can offer storage of precious valuables for set periods at reasonable costs. If you have storage facilities already you could tidy up by putting some valuables here.

Make spring cleaning fun

There’s no doubt spring cleaning is a chore but to get through it you need to get into the right mindset. Think of it as a time when you can also have a bit of fun. Put on your favourite music CD’s, use it as a way to get great exercise, when you’re stuck in one place in the house, put on your favourite DVD to kill the monotony.

Keep to a schedule

This is all about creating order – so you need to be organised yourself. Create a schedule when you will commit to certain tasks. If you finish those tasks early – give yourself a reward. Try not to be distracted by telephone calls and friends calling to the house. You are not just doing a spot of house cleaning – you are doing an important task that has to be completed. To keep to a schedule a checklist is absolutely essential!

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here








Was the 2017 budget good for small business?

self-storage kentSometimes the budget can be as interesting as watching paint dry for most people. When it is first presented by the chancellor in the house of commons, it tends to be long and drawn out in its delivery and it is traditionally peppered with legal, and financial technical terms which often makes it understandable on first hearing only to those with a degree in economics.

Brexit and public services

But this year it has attracted a great deal attention in the UK as the future with Brexit still needs solid structure and direction and many of our public-sector services (the NHS, the prisons, housing and benefits) are so much in need of extra funding that they are close to collapse.

It was a little bit of a surprise then when there was hardly any attempt clarify the road ahead for Brexit and there appeared to be little concern or major allowances for public services. There was generous injections for social care and triage but is this just another year of throwing money at systems that just do not work anymore?

Increases in National Insurance

What’s more, the conservatives appeared to be going back on earlier promises to the self-employed by hiking National Insurance rates (from 9 to 11% over the next 2 years). For many years now, the conservative party has been behind small businesses and has offered substantial increases in personal allowances, but this specifically goes against David Cameron’s original manifesto.

This move has already come under a great deal of criticism and twitter and the broadsheets are red hot as can be expected.

What perhaps seems a little odd, according to many political commentators, was how this hike in NI rates really does go against conservative policies which usually back small business, capitalism and entrepreneurship.  These rises if go unheeded will undoubtedly cause not only hardship, but also hamper small business growth in the UK.

How did Phillip Hammond explain the rises in national Insurance?

“Employed and self-employed alike use our public services in the same way, but they are not paying for them in the same way. The lower National Insurance paid by the self-employed is forecast to cost our public finances over £5 billion this year alone. That is not fair to the 85pc of workers who are employees.”

Even though the chancellor talked about leaving the EU and the need to keep the UK at the cutting edge of global trade he did not go into any real specifics as to how that would be achieved which left many feeling the budget in reality was as dull as ditch water.

The chancellor reminded everyone that statistics show that, against everyone’s expectations, the UK has continued to show growth in most respects – it is a fact that the UK economy grew faster than any other major economy except for Germany in 2017.

But as the conservative party slaps itself on the back, it may be timely to remember that we still haven’t left yet…

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here






Top eight tips for lifting safely

At Need A Space, our experience has told us, that in any scenario where you are moving assets and valuables between 2 points, you have to protect yourself. At our self-storage base in Kent, we offer many of the accessories to make that move as easy as possible. For instance, we have van use, for lift truck use, staff to help you in times of trouble and for advice.

But none of this gets rid of the fact that at the end of the day you are going to have to do some kind of lifting and, if it is not carried out in the appropriate manner, you could well be on the road to causing yourself an injury.

So, we want to make sure you are as safe as possible by giving you a full article of manual lifting tips! A more detailed listing can be found at NHS Choices

  1. Before you start bending, stretching muscles, heaving or anything like that, have a clear aim in mind. If you are going to move a heavy object from point A to point B, know where you are going to lift from, the distance and where and how you are going to place the object down. Will you be putting it on the ground? Will you be placing it on another object? Are you sure there is enough room? Can the object below definitely take the weight of the object you are lifting.
  2. Be honest with yourself. If  you believe the weight is going to be too heavy to lift – do not attempt it. Ask for help.
  3. If you are going to be manually carrying the object a long distance, what will you do if you get too tired? Where can you place the object safely in order to restart your journey later.
  4. Before you begin lifting you need to adopt a stable position. This is with your feet apart and one foot slightly in front of the other to aid balance.
  5. Keep your back straight when lifting. When lowering yourself to pick up a heavy object, bend your legs at the knees.
  6. Hold the weight close to your body as this will help overall. Keep the weight close to the waist for as long as possible as this will stop too much strain n your back.
  7. Don’t twist while lifting. Keep the shoulders level and in the same direction as the hips. Looking ahead instead of down at the object will help you keep this stance.
  8. Try to move smoothly – sudden jerks may result in injury.


Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here


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