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Top tips on boxing up for the big move!

cardboard boxes

So – it is the day you have been waiting for you can start getting ready for your house move. A bit awe-inspiring when you think of all the stuff that has got to be packed away, but the key is to take each room individually – one by one – and leave any appliances, tools, gadgets or other paraphernalia that you may need on a daily basis until the very last moment. All possesins you need on a regular basis can go in the very last box.

Now to buy the boxes – that should be simple enough shouldn’t it? Simple yes, but if you want to cut costs, reduce breakages and back ache, there is a little bit more to it than you might expect.

Not all cardboard boxes are equal

When you think of the weight of some of the things you will be moving, you are going to need more than flimsy cardboard to keep the whole project together. You will need double strength cardboard boxes for the big move. This extra-strength will help to protect your valuables throughout the whole relocation process.

What size of box do you need?

Biggest isn’t always the best. Don’t forget the bigger the box, the heavier it will be and so the harder it will be to move. hence the more strain will be placed on the box itself – and you!!. You may have loads of stuff like books and records to move, but lots of smaller boxes are going to be more mobile, they will fill small spaces in the removals van and stack more easily. Do a good tour of the house first looking at what needs to be packed, what is going to be packed together, and the weights involved.

Close up tight

There is an art to closing a cardboard box for extra strength. To make sure you don’t end up with a hole in the bottom of your box, close the flaps so that one side of each of the four flaps is on top and the other side is below the next flap.

Keep all the accessories close at hand

Once you get going you don’t want to be stopping to hunt down the scissors so get all the things you need together in one place before you start:

  • Strong tape
  • Scissors
  • Labels
  • Marker pens
  • Bubble wrap


Think ahead


Mark up your boxes so that  when you are eventually moving you know what is in each and which room they will be going to in the new house.


Cutting costs!

Moving home can be an expensive business and watching the pennies can relieve a lot of stress on overall costs. A good place to start is checking out supermarkets or local shops to see if they can let you have any free. Also, don’t forget your friends – they may well be only too pleased to get rid of any lying around off their hands. Other than that, eBay can be a good source and there are many companies offering competitive process online.

Boxed in!

It won’t be long before you soon notice that your boxes are starting to take over your home! And if it is likely to be sometime before you exchange contracts this could put you in a state of chaos for some time. One solution is to put some of your valuables in self-storage until the big day.

Free packing materials!

And if you are using our self-storage facilities here at Need A Space in Kent we offer great packing accessories for free. To find out more click here

Archive it with self-storage!


Self-storage in Kent

Keeping documents that can be archived in the office where you work can only lead to chaos and could also create inefficient business processes. If there is insufficient storage within your organisation you may want to consider self-storage facilities in your area. Here at Need A Space in Canterbury Kent we offer storage space for both business and domestic needs. But what is the best way to store those infuriating but precious pieces of paper?

Top tips for archiving your documents

  • Store for easy access: Some documents will need simply for legislative reasons (I.e. for tax purposes you need to hold on to business account information for 5 years) but there will be some documents that you may need to find for current activities. Load these boxes last so they are stored at the front and easy for access.
  • Protect against long term damage: Mould can grow quickly and cause damage. Keeping things dry from the start is the best way to avoid damage so whichever self-storage provider you use, ensure the unit will be dry.
  • Security: Check with your self-storage provider to find out what security provisions are in place. Many business documents and records are confidential and need to be private. Need A Space offer CCTV, a perimeter fence, high-security infra-red beams and state of the art alarm systems.
  • Label boxes.As well as easy access you need to know where each and every document is. So however short of time you may be, have a clear labelling system.
  • Office filing system: It is often useful to use an office filing system twinned with the labelling system you use at the self – storage outlet. For instance, labelling a box by a number and then put the relevant details on an excel sheet which is easily accessible in the office.
  • Be cost effective: Always find a self-storage unit close to your office for obvious reasons, but in some cases (especially with documents which need to be archived for long periods and do not necessarily need frequent access) consider storing outside of your location. For instance, London prices are high, but by storing down here in Kent you could make quite a saving.


Based in the heart of Kent, and situated on the outskirts of Faversham and Canterbury, Need A Space is conveniently located for both local county and South London clients. Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here




Choosing the right self-storage company in Kent

Self-storage as a service is relatively quite new. There is clearly a demand for it from both business and residential customers. It can help organisations store assets and archive material and equipment, that if left on their own premises would waste space and may prevent real company growth. Because self-storage can be so adaptable and competitively priced it can provide a factor in a business’s processes which perhaps would not be affordable through other channels.

But how do you know you have found a self-storage centre you can trust? What are the kind of things you need to look out for?

This list is not exhaustive but it gives a good idea as to the kind of things a self-storage centre should be offering to ensure you have privacy, security, and accessibility.


Perhaps the most important aspect is the security of precious valuables. Don’t be afraid to ask what security factors are in place 24/7. Here at Need A Space we offer CCTV, high-security infra-red beams, state of the art alarm systems and perimeter fencing.


You may want to store in the long -term but it is highly likely there will be individual objects, or documents which you will need to have access to on a regular basis. For instance, you may wish to archive old tax receipts. 99% of the time they are going to be behind locked doors but there may well be a time – especially when doing the books – when you need to retrieve data. It is therefore important that the storage company has access as close to 24/7 7 days a week as possible.

Storage units 

You don’t want to be paying for a huge unit when you will be only storing bits and bobs. So a good storage company will offer different sized units for various needs. This also gives you the flexibility to increase or decrease space when you need to.


The units may well need to be exactly suited to what you are storing. For instance, you may need absolute confidentiality. In which cas,e you would not want a unit with windows. Again, the more choice you have the better.

Climate control

Some items will need special attention as far as air conditioning is concerned. For instan, if you store furniture or business documents in damp storage you could find yourself having to deal with a lot of damage.


In the same way, you want to know your storage unit is free from pests (is there pest control in force?) and the units are kept tidy and clean.

Access for vehicles

If you’re planning on storing a large amount, check that the self-storage facility has adequate access for the removal vehicle you’ve chosen. Many self-storage sites don’t have the space or access for large removal trucks.

Need A Space are based in Canterbury Kent and offer self-storage facilities to all surrounding areas such as Faversham and Herne Bay and including London. Talk to us. To learn more click here








Need more space at home? How’s this for the perfect answer?

Familie mit Dach über dem Kopf im Garten als Symbol für Hausbau

Remember the first time you proudly moved into your new family home? You had three or four truckloads of furniture sitting outside and in front of you was a sight that would be a blueprint for a new era in your life. This was a new era –   a time to start building your dreams for the future. As you walked through your new house it looked bare and a little barren, but in your mind you are strategically deciding how your visions and goals will fit into this new world. There may be a lot of cold empty spaces, but this space would be the glove in which your dreams would neatly fit…


Fast forward 15 years and so much has changed. That house has now become your home, you know every nook and cranny. It is frustrating and tiring that you  are forever keeping it clean, but now it is like another member of the family. You love it because it not only holds your aspirations but wonderful memories to – it is worth the time. Sure it would make it easier if your children did their bit, but sometimes it’s simpler to do it yourself than shout all the time….


And your home has grown. There is decking out the back for everyone to enjoy, when you hold those cool BBQ’s for the great friends you have made down the street; a conservatory to catch the sun in the summer and hold the warmth in the winter; and the attic has been turned into a cool study especially for the kids homework.


But even though your home is now bigger it is a little like a reverse version of the Tardis. It is larger on the outside but even smaller on the inside. Dr. Who wouldn’t be impressed. Where has all that space gone? Your family has increased in number and the earlier ones have all got a lot bigger. And don’t forget the dog, the cat and the two hamsters…


And the cupboards – once this had more storage space than you had ever seen. Now, wardrobes are so full they won’t shut probably. Tools, clothes, and whatever are left strewn across the floor, not just because of laziness or lack of cleaning time – there is just nowhere for it to go. And all those things that bring a tear to your eye, because they bring back so many memories will never be thrown away…


Things are getting tough. There is no room to move, you are all getting on top of each other and there is no space to put the new things anymore. The only answer is to move out to a bigger, more expensive home.


Hold it! Think twice. Look at what you are letting go of. The family home you have built, the memories in the very bricks and plaster, the wonderful friends and neighbours. Can you afford to pay out more on a bigger house when your children may in fact be leaving the nest soon?


There is another way. Organising your space much better and finding temporary space you can rent for the stuff you want to keep but perhaps do not need around you all the time. Self-storage could be the perfect answer. It allows you to keep your valuables securely and accessible at a very reasonable rate. At the same time you hang on to your unique world, your past and your future.


Need A Space are based in Canterbury Kent and offer self-storage facilities to all surrounding areas such as Faversham and Herne Bay and including London. Talk to us. To learn more click here






Space is an asset that should be used appropriately in business

storage space in FavershamWhen stating a business, deciding on the right amount of stock is always a dilemma. You need supply to meet demand as far as possible, but if you spend too much on stock you can waste your budget on assets which just won’t budge so early in the organisations growth.

The one commodity any retail or online business will definitely need, is space. Space, itself may be a pretty dull subject on the surface, but the fact is, companies often thrive or die on how well they manipulate it.

We are of course talking more than just stock here. When a growing company needs to house machinery, people and offices, the cost of housing those assets need to be analysed so all falls within the budget and you are getting the best for your money at the same time.

Space really is serious…

Sometimes, the issue of space is not taken seriously enough and processes and systems can be blown apart by ill use of space. Take for instance an office block where a room is filled to the rafters with archive documents. Is this good use of space? Or where meeting rooms are not used to their full potential. Cancellations take place, but no-one is notified so the room goes unused. Then too much pressure is placed on meeting rooms which are used too often.

Stock will always be dependent upon demand at any one time and in certain industries there will be a need to make room for seasonal stock. Online and ecommerce companies, because they are often providing a wide display and variety of stock need to ensure there is space at certain times of the year which does not impinge on the smooth running and processes of the workforce.

So let’s look at some of the ways you can find that extra space you are looking for:

Space Utilisation

This is about looking at the space you have and determining whether the capacity is being used to its maximum. For instance, supposing you have a mixture of 20cm high and 30 cm high boxes and you have a storage space with floor space and 20 cm high shelving. To maximise space in the room you need to consider increasing shelving space by 10 cm or taking away the shelving. This is about considering space in relation to what you wish to store.

What is the best way to store your unique products?

This again comes back to adapting your storage space to the products you sell. Don’t forget there are great accessories on the market which allow much more freedom in how you arrange your products. For instance, a mobile shelving system can offer more capacity and increases of up to an incredible 95 per cent compared with a static shelving alternative.

Are you using that ceiling space?

Think vertically.  Too often managers do not consider the enormous amount of space they have above shoulder height until they start getting in the really tall products. Use you shelving cleverly to maximise storage capacity.

And don’t forget us! Based in Canterbury we service all surrounding areas such as Faversham, Sittingbourne, and Herne Bay. We provide self-storage services for businesses and residential clients. Great security and access to your valuables when you need them, we can really streamline your business systems. To learn more click here



Secure mailbox company in Canterbury Kent

secure mailboxEven in the digital age of instant communications through social media, texts, video contact and email, we still rely heavily on our letterboxes. In fact, rather than them eventually becoming totally redundant, as some people believe, snail-mail, as it is often referred to, provides a service that digital communications often cannot. There will always be a need for signed contracts, legal documents, messages of celebration, business letters and assorted mails that need to be received and stored in paper form. Also, as much as we can attach small read-only documents to emails, packages are a totally different matter.

Don’t give up on snail-mail yet…

We tend to take the old letterbox very much for granted and almost as a relic from a prehistoric age. But that mailbox is essential for those parcels and important documents. The sad fact is – just like the digital world – they are not always safe. Businesses also need to be able to feel safe they can communicate within their industry networks and with their clients.

The problem of theft from mailboxes

If mail gets stolen you may not even know about it if it has been taken from your own front doorstep. In flats where there are many mailboxes for all the residents in the block there is always the fear that some of the mail will mysteriously go missing.

Need a secondary business mailbox?

Sometimes residents or businesses just need a secondary mailbox where they can redirect specialist post for whatever reason. For instance, it maybe that your business base does not lend itself to receive secure post. The solution to this is a separate mailbox in a specific location where you can pick up your mail on a regular basis.

With the onset of the recession and the rise in property rents, business now often share the same premises. This can cause confusion and chaos when mail is being delivered. A great solution for this is a secure mailbox at a secondary address. If we are within your location we can offer absolute security where you no longer have to wonder whether mail was delivered or not.

Need A Space secure mailboxes in Kent

At Need A Space in Canterbury we provide a service for both residential customers and businesses with our secure mailboxes. As a storage company offering space to individuals and businesses, we can provide services to anyone nationally and globally. Locally we can assist businesses throughout Canterbury, Faversham and Whitstable.

To contact us and learn more about our services, call us on 01227 751673 or fill in our contact form by clicking here




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