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Packing a removals van: the Need A Space guide

removals vanWe pride ourselves on being able to provide everything you are going to need to store your precious valuables and business assets here at Need A Space in Canterbury. As well as offering competitive prices for secure storage space, we can also help you with packing materials, supportive staff, a fork lift tuck and mail boxes, we also provide a removals van.

But moving your valuables can be an awe-inspiring task. There is a skill to loading up a removals van so that you use your space and time efficiently and do not risk breaks, loss and damages. With that in mind here are our top tips for getting your removals to storage safe and sound:

  1. Don’t try and do all of the lifting and loading onto the van yourself. If you are going to be dealing with heavyweight commodities make sure you have assistance from individuals who are able to deal with the weights involved over a long period of time. Don’t forget you will be moving out, loading, unloading and storing. This can be a long and tiring process and needs to be done in one hit where possible or you could have to pay more in van hire. Consider having individuals on the van for loading and others for shifting stuff out to the van.
  2. In order to maximize your space, fill the front of the van first and work back.
  3. Keep white goods such as fridges, dishwashers and ovens etc upright (make sure the fridge was de-frosted at least two days before). Spread the weight of the heavier items throughout the van.
  4. To use ceiling space you are going to need to stack items. Always place the heaviest items on the bottom. Make sure each item is secure with a straps, tapes or cords.
  5. Use softer items to protect more vulnerable items. For instance, you can use sofa cushions to protect mirrors. Other useful domestic items which can be used for packing if you are moving house are mattresses, blankets, and pillows.
  6. Where items have drawers (i.e. chest of drawers), push them up against the side of the van and turn inwards to the van wall. This way the drawers cannot open. Save space again by filling the drawers with smaller items.
  7. Label all your boxes and stack them so the heaviest boxes are at the bottom. Ensure all boxes are wedged or strapped in tightly.

Hope this helps! Please do not hesitate to ask our supportive staff for guidance!

To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here




Be safe when moving heavy stuff in self-storage

self-storage Faversahm

At Need A Space self-storage we try to make everything as simple as possible when you want to move and store your precious domestic and business valuables. We provide all the equipment and assets such as forklift truck use, van hire, unloading areas and parking to make the project go as swiftly and easily as possible. We also as much support on site as possible. You will find staff who can offer advice and guidance.

However, as much as we will ensure that your valuables are safe (we use CCTV, high security infrared beams, state of the art alarm systems, and perimeter fencing) we want to make sure you stay physically safe when you may be doing a lot of heavy lifting. So here is our guidance for moving some of that heavy stuff:

Before you consider lifting

Check the route

You need to have an idea as to how far you will be taking the heavy object. Is this something you can manage? Check out the route you will be taking and if there are any obstacles in the way. You do not want to be continuously picking up and putting the object down so wedge doors open where you can. Make sure you are aware of sudden slopes and steps. Especially the small ones.

The easiest hold

Check the item to see if it has easy to hold handles. Even cardboard boxes are sometimes equipped with side handles to make them easier to pick up.

Will you be able to see?

When you pick up the item will it restrict your view? Consider the height of the object and whether you will be able to see in front of you when in hold. If you cannot see clearly in front of you do not attempt to move the object – you will need another method.

Can you cope with the weight?

Is the weight acceptable? If you feel strained on lifting – don’t do it. You either need to move the item with someone else or use a piece of equipment to move it.

Ready your muscles

If moving extra heavy objects, or a lot of objects, it may be a good idea to do some warm up exercises beforehand to avoid cramp.

Lifting safely

Position your feet evenly either side of the object at about shoulder width apart. Squat to the floor by bending the knees. Never bend your back and raise. Take hold of the object and spread the weight evenly – ensure you feel balanced. While keeping the object close to the body straighten your legs to stand up. This way you are not putting strain on any other parts of your body – only your legs. When placing the object down do the process in reverse. Bend at the legs to place the object on the ground.

Based in the heart of Kent, and situated on the outskirts of Faversham and Canterbury, Need A Space is conveniently located for both local county and South London clients. Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here



Security is an essential factor for Self-Storage

secutityTrusting your valuables with a company you know very little about can be very anxiety provoking if you do not do your research properly beforehand. Here at Need A Space our experience of twenty years has told us that the reason we have loyal clients who continuously come back to us is because security, privacy, and confidentiality at the core of our of our services.

Safe storage for precious valuables and business assets

For both businesses and domestic clients alike, the valuables placed with us in storage is not the overspill that should really be going in the loft before it’s thrown out. They tend to be important assets that owners need access to.  It could be valuable assets as a company grows, essential materials for sales to help with geographical issues, it could be business archives, or furniture during a house sale – the list is endless.

Need A Space self-storage is based in Canterbury in Kent and we service such areas as Faversham, Herne Bay and surrounding locations. We also welcome clients from London who are looking for cheaper self-storage deals outside of the City. But how do you find a company you can trust if you are located outside of these areas? Here are a few factors we employ and we would recommend you look out for in your search.

  1. Have they been passed by “checkatrade”? This is a great place to start as any company that has this logo on their stationary or website needs to keep up to standards made by this review company.
  2. How many keys are there to your storage unit/s? For ultimate safety there should only be one key which you will hold yourself.
  3. How does the company ensure security over the whole facility? Do they take it seriously? At Need A Space we have a CCTV surveillance security system operating inside and out 24/7.
  4. How does the company deal with emergencies such as an attempted break-in or fire prevention? There should be both robust burglar alarm and fire systems.
  5. Is the company using the most up to date technology? Here at Need A Space we recently installed high security infra-red beams as an extra layer of safety.
  6. Can anyone get into the facility unnoticed? There should be powerful structures to keep unwanted persons out. You should be seeing something like security fencing around the outside of the storage facility.

It’s always worth looking for those important accessories. At Need A Space we also offer secure mailboxes. This is useful when your own domestic postal address is not safe or you are in transition, or as a secondary safe mail address for your business.

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here






How to maximise space in your self-storage units

self-storage kent

Space to store your valuable business assets or precious valuables costs money and is often in very short supply so you need to make sure that every inch of that space is used to the best possible effect. With that in mind, here are 6 top tips for making the most of your storage area:


  1. Think vertically. There is a tendency when using self-storage to store everything on a single level. This is a terrible waste – you do not want to have to be buying extra units. So before you even start storing, map out what needs to be stored. What can be stacked? You have to think about safety here so ensure that anything on a second or third level cannot topple, sits squarely on goods below and is not too heavy up top. Your bottom level should be the heaviest goods and each level above it should get progressively lighter.


  1. The Tardis effect. Some of the goods you will store are great storage systems in themselves. For instance, a wardrobe, a set of drawers or an appliance such as a fridge or an oven will allow you to store a whole host of things. But the key here is remembering what you have put where, so they are accessible in the future. For instance, fill fridges with a set category: i.e. kitchen goods. Label everything and keep a record as to where you will find everything. Also, as a safety concern, don’t make furniture so heavy that you cannot lift them or have to empty them to get them out again.


  1. Fold it down. A great deal of furniture nowadays is designed to be stored away. Sometimes when we have had furniture in place in our homes for long periods we forget this, so get to grips with folding it down as small as possible. There are all kinds of little techniques you can think of: for instance, even a bed’s legs are removable. Once the legs are taken down it can easily be stored against a wall.


  1. Talking of legs…where furniture needs to be stored in its natural state (i.e. standing up!) use the space between the legs to create a new level of storage.


  1. As much as you want to create as much space as possible do not forget that you need to get back in to retrieve your valuables. So leave space for manoeuvre.


  1. Easy Access. Always place the possessions you are most likely to need most frequently at the front of the storage area for easy accessibility.


Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here



Packing tips for a safe house move!



There is sometimes a tendency to focus entirely on getting everything packed in the smallest number of boxes whatever the cost. Not only could this be a problem with the overall process and increase cost (see below) but you could also be putting your own health at risk. You may have professional movers to help you move the stuff n the big day, but it is likely you are going to need to move stuff around to make it accessible when you finally move. You will be doing a lot of lifting in a short period of time. Make sure you understand safe lifting principles, so you don’t do yourself a mischief! Take a look here for further info.


A box is more than just a box


Cardboard boxes have had a bit of a bad press, but as with everything, if you buy cheap expect to get what you pay for. Don’t forget the box not only needs to hold your valuables it needs to be able to withstand transit and other boxes or objects being placed upon it. Take a look at our online box supplies. Also, your average common or garden box comes in different strengths as well as sizes. A large box that is also quite weak is a problem because you may only be able to fill a portion of it before the cardboard begins to strain. Also, if the box is big and too heavy it maybe too difficult to lift. Sometimes small strong boxes are the best option.


Secure those flaps


Many boxes are designed to have interlocking flaps but this is not secure on its own and can make the box weak when moved from place to place. Always use strong quality tape to stick down open ends of the box (and the bottom)


Don’t have a smashing time!


With breakables such as glass, porcelain and crockery it is a good idea to bed the bottom of the box first of all with scrunched up paper. Cover this layer with a layer of paper and start packing your heaviest items by wrapping them well in newspaper. Between each layer of articles place a layer of scrunched up paper. At the top should be your smaller lighter items.


Name that box!


Don’t forget you need to know where everything is for easy access at any time within your self-storage unit, so label each box. Try and ensure contents of each box have some relevance to each other for easy labelling.


Get the right filler


You need filler within the boxes to prevent your valuables colliding with each other in transit and to prevent the box crushing easily. Use filler such as bubble wrap to take up that extra space. Remember only to use proper filler material as it could get into the workings of appliances.


Think digital safety

Protect monitors, screens, scanner glass and other fragile parts with cardboard or pieces of bubble wrap or foam and tape. Mark glass parts as fragile to avoid leaning heavy objects against them.

For more Packaging tips from Need A Space click here

To check out our packaging products click here

To learn more about our Self – storage services in Faversham, Whitstable and Canterbuty click here











Finding space for your business archive...

archive self-storge

There will always be a need to archive business documents. Many documents can be stored in the cloud on the computer but for various business reasons there has to be original documents in hard copy. Perhaps it is for tax purposes (invoices, receipts, communications etc), customer agreements, past transactions or confidential client information. Whatever the reason, it needs to be stored where it will not physically deteriate, it is easily accessible and most of all safe and secure.

Archiving in a small office can be inefficient and prevent business growth

As a small business grows, it becomes more and more apparent that the broom cupboard, even if it does have lock and key, is not fit for purpose. In bigger offices old documents and archives can begin to take over a huge amount of space. Cataloguing becomes random and difficult and  storage gets in the way of normal processes causing chaos. If there is insufficient storage within your organisation you may want to consider self-storage facilities in your area. Here at Need A Space in Canterbury Kent we offer storage space for both business and domestic needs. But what is the best way to store those infuriating but precious pieces of paper?

4 top tips for archiving your documents

  • Security: Check with your self-storage provider to find out what security provisions are in place. Many business documents and records are confidential and need to be private. Need A Space offer CCTV, a perimeter fence, high-security infra-red beams and state of the art alarm systems.


  • Label boxes. As well as easy access you need to know where each and every document is. So however short of time you may be, have a clear labelling system.



  • Office filing system: It is often useful to use an office filing system twinned with the labelling system you use at the self – storage outlet. For instance, labelling a box by a number and then put the relevant details on an excel sheet which is easily accessible in the office.


  • Be cost effective: Always find a self-storage unit close to your office for obvious reasons, but in some cases (especially with documents which need to be archived for long periods and do not necessarily need frequent access) consider storing outside of your location. For instance, London prices are high, but by storing down here in Kent you could make quite a saving.


Based in the heart of Kent, and situated on the outskirts of Faversham and Canterbury, Need A Space is conveniently located for both local county and South London clients. Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help businesses in Kent and the London area click here





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