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How can self-storage be the solution to a lack of domestic space in Kent?

self-storage kentPossibly the most valuable asset to businesses and domestic owners alike is in fact invisible. Space, or the lack of it, can cause hell in a residential home, it can send a business budget through the roof, it can confuse logistics and cause havoc to organisational structures. There is no doubt it is a factor we all take for granted until we don’t have enough of it.

Now with the advent of self-storage facilities in the UK, you can pre-empt those periods when you are likely to be stuck for space and plan for the future.

Does your home appear to be smaller?

We have all been there. The home that you moved into all those years ago, which was blessed with an extraordinary amount of cupboards, now seems breathtakingly small and inadequate to house the whole family.

Doors on storage rooms won’t close properly due to the fact that they have been over-filled and the thought of actually finding something within the frustrating chaos (you know it will mean emptying half the cupboard before you find that Phillips screwdriver you so desperately need) has become a nightmare in itself.

So what is the next step?

You start thinking your family has outgrown the size of the house and you need to start considering extensions or even worse – moving to a bigger and more expensive accommodation. I don’t have to go into any depth about the logistical nightmare that comes in tandem this these ideas let alone the financial trauma and emotional upheaval of leaving a much-loved location.

So just stop a second.

The easier, cheaper solution is out there. A solution where you hold on to your beloved home and avoid the stress of selling your house.

Self-storage facilities are not just for businesses.

Now because of their highly competitive prices, domestic residents are considering using them not just to help with the overall logistics of moving (i.e. finding valuable space for possessions until the move is finalised) but also streamlining lifestyles and preventing unnecessary re-location.

Simply by spending some time organising your stored possessions, filter out the stuff that you want to hold onto but are never actually used. This could be valuables which have a sentimental value or goods which are only used very infrequently but take up a ridiculous amount of space. When you store your possessions in the self-storage container make sure that those valuables you may need sometime are easily accessible.

Temporary space to enhance your lifestyle and pamper your budgets

By storing this type of possessions in a self-storage facility you will be freeing up your home to unheard of space at a small cost of the rental of a small container. With more space for the family as it continues to grow, your lifestyles will be de-stressed less frustrating. Everyone could be getting on a little better without the doom-laden thought of structural changes or moving home.

Looking for storage space in Faversham Canterbury or Herne Bay? To learn more about how Need A Space self-storage can help domestic residents and businesses in Kent and the London area click here for a quote





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